Guo Jin

Guo Jin is originally from Sichuan, China. She received her master’s degree in English studies from the City University of Hong Kong. She has been an English teacher at Deyang No. 5 Middle School since 2012. Since 2015, she has taught international students Chinese in addition to teaching English. Ms. Guo enjoys traveling, dancing, and sports. During her year in the United States, Ms. Guo looked forward to celebrating American holidays, going camping, watching a basketball game, and sharing Chinese foods (such as hot-pot and dumplings) with American students and teachers. She hoped to have the opportunity to stay with a host to learn about American culture and society in depth. Her main goal for participating in TCLP was to learn more about different teaching methodologies. She was hosted by Suder Montessori Magnet Elementary School in Chicago, IL and was the alumni buddy to Xu Wenting for 2019-2020. She is currently the alumni buddy to Zhang Wenyu for 2020-2021.
Mandarin Teacher
Program Year
Host School(s)
Sep-Guojin's lesson plan .docx55.48 KB