This site has exercises for teaching letters and words
Language: Arabic
Audience: Students
(FREE) Post lesson plans, homework assignments, and feedback. Teachers can see progress of each individual student.
Audience: Teachers
It's a very nice song about the months of the year that can keep the students engaged.
Language: Arabic
Audience: Students
The University of Texas--Austin has created this website for Arabic teachers to gather resources about a wide variety of Arabic cultural and linguistic elements. It includes discussions of dialect and music among many others.
Language: Arabic
Audience: Teachers
Ideas and help for new teachers, those teaching something new, and their mentors
Audience: Teachers
A professional organization dedicated to supporting elementary and secondary classroom Arabic teachers in the United States.
Language: Arabic
Audience: Teachers
British-based series of educational videos within the theme of “they didn’t teach me that.” Experts give advice for common teaching dilemmas such as time management, grading, and working with parents (now archived).
Audience: Teachers
Resources for the professional development of new and experienced teachers from the University of Oregon
Audience: Teachers
Noorart is a websites for teaching materials
Language: Arabic
Audience: Teachers