Yinghan Xue

Yinghan Xue is originally from Shandong Province, China. She received her teacher training and graduate credits in world language education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Ms. Xue holds a lifetime teaching license in the State of Wisconsin in K-12. She is also pursuing her master's degree and license in education leadership and administration. Ms. Xue is currently one of the Mandarin teachers at DC International School, a position she has held since 2019. She is also the current Language Subject Coordinator in her school's language department, working on the vertical articulation of her school's language curricula (Mandarin, French and Spanish) to align with IB standards in her school's MYP and DP programs. Ms. Xue has taught Mandarin in grades 6-12, and she served as the only Mandarin teacher in the school district in the state of Wisconsin, where she developed a set of comprehension and proficiency-based curricula in four years of service there. She became a teacher in order to help more teachers and students in K-12 education and has now been teaching for seven years. Ms. Xue is the mentor teacher to Tsai Yueh-Wen from Taitung, Taiwan.