Sun Quanfang

Sun Quanfang is from Changchun, China. She received her bachelor's degree in English Teaching and her master's degree in English Language and Literature from Northeast Normal University. Ms. Sun has been an English teacher at Jilin Provincial Experimental School since 2009. She is also a head teacher and a group leader and has organized the First English Culture Week in her school successfully. In addition, she has won several prizes in teaching competitions from the municipal level to the national level. She enjoys singing, reading, and travelling. During her year in the United States, Ms. Sun is looking forward to experiencing the diverse cultures in America and sharing the Spring Festival with her students. Her primary objective for participating in TCLP is promoting cultural communication between Chinese and Americans, as well as building a bridge for further mutual understanding. Ms. Sun was hosted by Ewa Makai Middle School in Ewa Beach, HI and is the alumni buddy for Tsai Yueh-Wen.