Heather Nicholson

Heather Nicholson is originally from Long Branch, Pennsylvania. She received her bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Mount Union College as well as her master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from American College of Education. She is currently the lead teacher in the Moonshot program, a position she has held since the creation of the Moonshot program in 2021. Ms. Nicholson is also a math coach and was a third-grade teacher for 22 years. She is a founding member of the California Academy of Learning Charter School, which started in her district in 2022. She became a teacher to make a difference. Coming from a family of educators, she has a fond appreciation and firsthand knowledge of the impact teachers make. She wants students to know their worth and to work to their fullest potential in all they do. She has been teaching for 25 years. Ms. Nicholson will be the mentor teacher to Weng Yu-Xuan from Chiayi City, Taiwan.
Mentor Teacher
Program Year