Abdelkrim Hayab

Abdelkrim Hayab is from Fkih Ben Salah, Morocco. He received his bachelor's degree in English Culture and Literature from Sultan Moulay Sliman University. He is currently pursuing a master's degree at the same university where he is conducting his research on the dystopian novel as a new dominating genre in the postmodern stream of literature. He has been an English teacher at Ouhoud High School since 2020. Mr. Hayab has also taught English as a Foreign Language in other high schools in the region and has experience with conducting volunteer work. He has been the secretary general and local president of the Moroccan Association of Teachers of English. Mr. Hayab enjoys watching movies, reading, and jogging. During his year in the United States, he is looking forward to experiencing the American way of life. He would love to be invited to most holidays celebrated by Americans and will also be happy to share Moroccan holidays with American friends and students. His primary objective for participating in the Teachers of Critical Languages Program is to learn more about teaching Arabic to speakers of other languages.Mr. Hayab was hosted by Twinfield Union School in Plainfield, Vermont.