Mohamed El Ouardi

Mohamed El Ouardi is from Agadir, Morocco. He received his master's degree in applied linguistics from Ibn Zohr University (IZU). Mr. El Ouardi is currently a PhD student in the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences at IZU and has been an English teacher at Al-Majd High School since 2014. He is also the school’s international coordinator and has participated in several international programs, including the Connecting Classrooms program and the International School Awards 2020. Mr. El Ouardi enjoys traveling and experiencing new cultures. During his year in the United States, he is looking forward to learning more about American culture and introducing his American students to Moroccan culture through the medium of Arabic. Mr. El Ouardi’s primary objective for participating in TCLP is to develop both academically and professionally through learning best practices for language teaching from the American educational system and implementing these practices in his home school. He is also interested in establishing a sustainable partnership between his home school in Morocco and his host school in the U.S. Mr. El Ouardi was hosted by Plantation Middle School in Plantation, FL.