Manal Salem

Manal Salem is from Alexandria, Egypt. She graduated as a teacher of English from Alexandria University. In 2014, she took a course in Educational Technology at Leicester University, England. She has been working in a secondary school for four years, and has supported and trained many of her colleagues on how to apply technology in teaching. She has been the coordinator of the International School Award; which her school received for the period of 2018-2021. She enjoys sightseeing, reading, cooking, and outdoor activities. During her year in the U.S., Ms. Salem looked forward to celebrating Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving. She was excited to go snowboarding and skiing because she does not have the opportunity to do these activities back home. She was also excited to try American food and let her students and colleagues try Egyptian food. Her primary objectives for participating in TCLP were to learn more about new methods of teaching and to share ideas with people from different backgrounds and cultures. She was hosted by Nicotra Early College Charter School in Staten Island, NY and is the alumni buddy for Eman Farag.