Kelley Darnell

Kelley Darnell is from Knoxville, Tennessee. She received her bachelor’s degree in history and political science from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, as well as a master’s degree in secondary education. She also holds a master’s in business administration. Ms. Darnell has taught social studies at Bearden High School since 2006. She serves as a department chair, mentor teacher, and professional learning community leader at her school. She finds teaching a rewarding experience and believes a high school classroom is a place not only to educate but also to provide care and concern for students who may not receive it elsewhere. Ms. Darnell was the mentor teacher for Abdellah Aly from Abo Hommos, Egypt (2018-2019) and Mahrous Nassef from Kafr El Dawar, Egypt (2019-2020).