Shen Yan

Shen Yan is originally from Lanzhou, China. She received her bachelor’s degree in English education from Northwest Normal University. She has been an English teacher at Lanzhou Middle School since 2008 and has contributed to curriculum development there. Ms. Shen enjoys playing the guitar and practices Chinese calligraphy. During her year in the United States, Ms. Yan looked forward to celebrating American holidays such as Halloween and sharing traditional Chinese festivals with her students and friends. She hoped to attend concerts as well. Ms. Shen’s primary objectives for participating in TCLP were to learn more about American teaching methodologies, study about teaching, and to collect teaching materials to bring back to her students in China. She was hosted by Tonopah Valley High School in Tonopah, AZ and was the alumni buddy to Hu Xiaomin for 2019-2020. She is currently the alumni buddy to Wang Zhenglin for 2020-2021.