Zheng Meng

Zheng Meng is from Chongqing, China. She received her bachelor's degree in English from China Foreign Affairs University. She is currently a master's degree candidate in Educational Management. Ms. Zheng has been an English teacher at Foreign Languages School, which is affiliated with Sichuan International Studies University, since 2009. She also works as a class head teacher. She trains students for the annual school foreign languages festival and tutors students for national English competitions. She enjoys jogging, reading, and singing. Her primary objective for participating in TCLP is to share Chinese culture with U.S. students, to make a better relationship between China and the U.S., and to experience U.S. culture. Ms. Zheng was hosted by Newberg High School in Newberg, Oregon. She was an alumni buddy to Chen Ke for the 2016-2017 year and to Zhu Xiaohong for 2017-2018. She is currently the alumni buddy for Deng Xinxin.
Mandarin Teacher
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