Yasser Mohamed Mohamed Elsayed Ilbrahim Eldeabes

Yasser Eldeabes is originally from Dakahliya and lives in North Sinai, Egypt. He has a Bachelor of Education in Arabic, two diplomas in education and a Master of Education in teaching Arabic as a foreign language from Suez-Canal University, Al-Arish. Since 2007, Mr. Eldeabes has taught Arabic both as a first and foreign language. Mr. Eldeables participated in many teacher training programs and published research about the educational system in Egypt. He is interested in practicing martial arts, photography, and reading novels. His goals for participating in TCLP are to enhance his educational experience, improve English language proficiency, develop a deeper understanding of American culture and society, and to use this experience to help polish his doctoral thesis, which he is currently writing in the field of AFL. Mr. Eldeabes was hosted by Columbia Heights Educational Campus in Washington, DC.
Arabic Teacher
Program Year
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