Aaron Arredondo

Mr. Arredondo, originally Montana, received his K-12 Principal Licensure in May 2012 and completed his Master of Education in Second Languages and Cultures from the University of Minnesota. He has held the Building Instructional Leader position at his school for five years. Along with teaching kindergarten and first grade, Mr. Arredondo also participates on the leadership team, has been a former school board member and a former Parent-Teacher Organization representative. He became a teacher to positively impact the lives of young people and has been involved in education for 17 years. Ms. Arredondo has traveled extensively, visiting almost every continent. Married with three children, he enjoys spending time outdoors, learning about other cultures and time with close friends. He has been a finalist for an Ethics in Teaching award and has been acknowledged as a top educator in the state of Minnesota.

Mr. Arredondo was the mentor teacher for Liu Xin, from Deyang, China.
Mentor Teacher
Program Year