Xuehui (Lucy) Yang

Xuehui (Lucy) Yang is originally from Richmond, Virginia. She received her bachelor's degree in English education from Hebei Normal University in China. Ms. Yang is currently a Mandarin immersion teacher at OB Gates Elementary School, a position she has held since 2020. She taught English as a foreign language at the high school level in China for more than 20 years and has taught Mandarin at the elementary school level in the United States for more than 10 years. She delivered educational assistance and instruction to various levels of learners. Ms. Yang became a teacher to help students reach their potential by developing activities and methods to help them learn Mandarin or English in unique ways in order to increase language development, as well as apply excellent communication and problem-solving skills; she has now been teaching for more than 30 years. For the 2023-2024 academic year, Ms. Yang was the mentor teacher to Luo Qiumei from Hezhou, China.
Mentor Teacher
Program Year