Carmen Villalobos

Carmen Villalobos is originally from San Juan, Puerto Rico. She holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Puerto Rico, a master's degree in educational administration with a specialization in curriculum and instruction from Fayetteville State University, and a graduate certificate in Spanish from Appalachian State University. Mrs. Villalobos is a National Board-Certified Teacher in Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood World Languages. She currently works as the K-12 World Language Curriculum Specialist for Cumberland County Schools. Mrs. Villalobos has been working in education as a teacher and curriculum specialist for thirty-two years. She became a teacher because she believes that language learning provides meaningful opportunities for students to become members of a global village that promotes cultural understanding and has now been a TCLP mentor teacher for five years. Mrs. Villalobos was the mentor teacher to Wael Ahmed from Hurghada, Egypt (2016-2017), Passant Aly from Cairo, Egypt (2017-2018), Mohammed Etify from El-Ghanayem, Egypt (2018-2019), and Azza Ghazaly from Nag Hammadi, Egypt (2021-2022). She is the mentor teacher to Bouslam Abaid from Imi Mqourn Village, Morocco.
Mentor Teacher
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