Ana Acosta

Ana Acosta is from the Dominican Republic, grew up in New York and currently lives in Indianapolis, IN. She earned a master's degree in the art of education from Marian University and has been teaching kindergarten at PilotED Bethel Park Elementary since 2018. During her first year, she taught Spanish to students K-2 and for the last 4 years has been teaching kindergarten. She became a teacher because as a child she was blessed to have many wonderful teachers that encouraged her to stay strong and continue pushing through, regardless of the difficulties experienced in life. Teaching was the way she decided to pay it forward, hoping to be that teacher for other students. This journey has taught her how to be a teacher and student, how to get out of her comfort zone, and most importantly helped her realize how important education is for students. She is now in her 5th year and is looking forward to the years ahead. For the 2023-2024 academic year, Ms. Acosta was the mentor teacher to Liao Yuxiang from Ji’an, China.
Mentor Teacher
Program Year