Aleah Myers

Aleah Myers graduated cum laude from Elizabethtown College with a degree in biology and a minor in anthropology, and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in secondary education from Johns Hopkins University. She is an Advanced Placement science teacher at Theodore Roosevelt High School, where she has taught for the past three years, and is committed to sharing her love for travel and the environment with her scholars. Mrs. Myers advises the environmental club and serves as a travel ambassador with the DC Public Schools study abroad program in order to foster student growth and the development of global perspectives. She is also a member of the Project Zero Global Studies Cohort, a professional learning community which explores the incorporation of the development of students' global competency skills into all aspects of pedagogical practice. Additionally, she serves as the Chair of the Local School Advisory Team. Mrs. Myers was the mentor teacher to Hend Elhendy from Suez, Egypt (2018-2019).