Ayman Belhiyad

Ayman Belhiyad is originally from Salé, Morocco. He received his bachelor’s degree in Language and Pedagogy from Mohamed the 5th University. He also earned a master’s degree in Applied Language Studies and Research in Higher Education from Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdullah University in 2013. He teaches at Kassem Ezhiri High School in Tetouan and is a member of the Moroccan Association of Teachers of English. By participating in TCLP, Mr. Belhiyad hopes to teach his American students about Moroccan culture, and hopes to learn more about the U.S. educational system and improve his English language skills. He was hosted by Islands High School in Savannah, GA and was the alumni buddy to Adelilah El Alaoui for the 2018-2019 year and to Yassin Essaid for 2019-2020.