Ivy Yiu

Ivy Yiu was born in Manila, Philippines, but her family hails from Xiamen, China, and she grew up in the United States. She received her master’s degree in educational leadership and policy studies from the University of Texas and her bachelor’s degree in communications from Rutgers University. Since 2011, Mrs. Yiu has taught mathematics at North Warren Regional School. In addition to teaching mathematics, Mrs. Yiu holds endorsements for both school principal and department supervisor. Prior to her current position, Mrs. Yiu was employed by Blairstown Elementary School, where she taught language arts, math, social studies, and science. Before becoming an educator, she worked in the private sector for 14 years. One of the joys of being an educator for the past 14 years is to inspire and instill the love of learning in her students. This is especially true when her students experience an "Ah-ha!" moment and share their excitement in discovering, learning, and mastering something new. Mrs. Yiu was the mentor teacher to Zhang Wenjie from Chongqing, China (2017-2018) and Xiao Fang from Huangshi, China (2018-2019).
Mentor Teacher
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