Xia Zhi

Xia Zhi is originally from Yichang, China. He received his bachelor of arts degree in English from Changsha University of Science and Technology. He has been a teacher at Gezhouba Middle School since 2007. He also works as the China Youth League Director at his school. Mr. Xia has won the Top Award in Excellent Classroom Teaching Competition twice. In 2013, he accomplished a national academic project -- the Application and Teaching Strategy of the Extracurricular English Reading. He trained students to take part in the China Radio International Multilingual Digital Story Telling Competition and won the Best Academic Award. He enjoys reading and taking pictures to record daily life. He hopes to learn more about U.S. education and culture and improve his English language proficiency during his participation in TCLP. Mr. Xia was hosted by Watson B. Duncan Middle School in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida and is the alumni buddy for Chen Lijun.
Mandarin Teacher
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