Kathryn Ellefsen

Kathryn Ellefsen is originally from Iowa City, Iowa. She received her B.A. in Spanish from the University of Iowa and a minor in English as a Second Language from the University of Houston. She is currently a Spanish teacher at Saguaro High school, a co-sponsor of the Spanish National Honor Society, the La Fiesta Spanish club and AZLA (Arizona Language Association), where she was president for a year. She is also a member of ACTFL (American Council of Teaching Foreign Language), SWXOLT (Southwest Council on Language Teaching) and AATSP (American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese). She became a teacher 28 years ago to share her passion of different cultures and languages. Growing up in a military family, she has lived in Spain and many different locations in the United States. Ms. Ellefsen has also traveled extensively all over the world and has led educational trips for students during the summer to Mexico and Spain. She has been married for 31 years and has two grown children, a cat and two guinea pigs. She enjoys many different past times including: reading mystery and action books, sewing, cross-stitch, cooking, singing and playing the piano, as well as doing yard work. She was the mentor teacher for Sun Ling from Beijing, China.